Hi! This is a children story which inspired by myself 👅
Lately, I feel it's hard to control myself although I have routinely practised yoga. I don't know if it happens due to my turbulence of emotions or just because I am on PMS. I remember last year my friend ever suggested me not to throw up my anger if something does not happen the way I want. It will only lead to a worse condition. And yes, he is correct.
Last year, after being hungry and disappointed with my Mom in a misunderstanding, I have to push my motorcycle by myself all the way home because I accidentally left the key inside the supermarket after bought the vegetables and cooking ingredients. The problem was, I realised it right after they closed the door which only going to be opened the next morning. The security did not care how desperate I beg them because the system just worked that way. (Trust me, I don't know why. I mean, if they have the key, at least those stocky securities can easily opened the door, right?). Worse, I even forgot to bring my smartphone while the guard didn't have any online transportation app. The security offered me to leave my motorcycle in a secure place at the parking area and picked it up tomorrow mornint, but I was frightened to imagine my Mom's explosive anger if she knew what I've done. So, yeah.. I swallowed my ego, refused the help of some old men there not to troublesome them at 9:00 PM and forced myself to push my motorcycle all the way home. Fortunately, it is only around.. uh, 500 meters to 1 kilometres on a detour 😵
Trust me, I have learned a lot of lessons from that unfortunate event and that is why I try to train myself to be a better person in managing my emotions every time. Well, at least I am trying right? Because the whole training might spend my whole life. Particular when Dad, who realise the same tendency inherits by my Mom, said that when we cannot control our emotion, the explosive anger will throw up to our closest circle first. "So, beware with your emotion," he alarmed.
This why you can see a lot of suggestion on the children story below about how to manage your emotion. I combine it with what my Padre candidate friend said,
So, please kindly read, use your imagination and enjoy your time! Hehe. Last but not least, don't forget to put the source if you want to use this story. Don't do any plagiarism, okay?
Lately, I feel it's hard to control myself although I have routinely practised yoga. I don't know if it happens due to my turbulence of emotions or just because I am on PMS. I remember last year my friend ever suggested me not to throw up my anger if something does not happen the way I want. It will only lead to a worse condition. And yes, he is correct.
Last year, after being hungry and disappointed with my Mom in a misunderstanding, I have to push my motorcycle by myself all the way home because I accidentally left the key inside the supermarket after bought the vegetables and cooking ingredients. The problem was, I realised it right after they closed the door which only going to be opened the next morning. The security did not care how desperate I beg them because the system just worked that way. (Trust me, I don't know why. I mean, if they have the key, at least those stocky securities can easily opened the door, right?). Worse, I even forgot to bring my smartphone while the guard didn't have any online transportation app. The security offered me to leave my motorcycle in a secure place at the parking area and picked it up tomorrow mornint, but I was frightened to imagine my Mom's explosive anger if she knew what I've done. So, yeah.. I swallowed my ego, refused the help of some old men there not to troublesome them at 9:00 PM and forced myself to push my motorcycle all the way home. Fortunately, it is only around.. uh, 500 meters to 1 kilometres on a detour 😵
Trust me, I have learned a lot of lessons from that unfortunate event and that is why I try to train myself to be a better person in managing my emotions every time. Well, at least I am trying right? Because the whole training might spend my whole life. Particular when Dad, who realise the same tendency inherits by my Mom, said that when we cannot control our emotion, the explosive anger will throw up to our closest circle first. "So, beware with your emotion," he alarmed.
This why you can see a lot of suggestion on the children story below about how to manage your emotion. I combine it with what my Padre candidate friend said,
"So, be aware of the things or emotions that happen. Name it. Search for the root problem. Reflect it. Then you can be aware if that tendency, the bad side of you appears. Build a mental distance, by counting from 1 to 10. The reaction will exist, but we have a freedom to control it."
"By building a mental distance, we will be able to train ourselves not to choose the first reaction, but second, third, after reflecting it, instead of let the emotion controls you."
So, please kindly read, use your imagination and enjoy your time! Hehe. Last but not least, don't forget to put the source if you want to use this story. Don't do any plagiarism, okay?
Fauzi, Jangan Marah
Bruk, bruk,
Fauzi membanting
tasnya dengan kesal. Kakinya pegal. Ia baru berjalan kaki bolak-balik dari
sekolah ke rumah.
“Huh, semua
salah Leon!” katanya dongkol.
Tadi saat ujian,
Leon terus menyikutnya. Pensilnya patah dan ia tidak punya pengganti. Tapi Fauzi
“Salah sendiri,
tadi kan aku sudah mengingatkan untuk mengecek alat tulis sebelum ujian,”
gerutu Fauzi.
Tapi Pak Willy terlanjur
mengira mereka menyontek. “Fauzi, pindah ke depan!” perintah Pak Willy.
Fauzi kaget. Ia tak
merasa melakukan kesalahan.
Biasanya saat
ada murid yang bertingkah mencurigakan, guru akan memisahkan tempat duduk mereka
saat ujian. Tapi satu-satunya meja kosong di barisan belakang sedang dipenuhi
tumpukan prakarya.
Mau tak mau,
dengan malu, terpaksa Fauzi mengambil lembar jawabannya dan pindah ke meja
guru. Saat Fauzi pindah, Leon diam-diam mengambil pensil cadangan milik Fauzi
dan langsung memakainya.
“Huh, pasti
sekarang teman-teman mengira aku suka menyontek,” pikir Fauzi sedih.
Ia jadi tak bisa
konsentrasi. Benar saja, saat lembar jawaban dikembalikan, Fauzi cuma mendapat
nilai 7 karena melakukan beberapa kesalahan.
“Fauzi, ini pensil
kamu, tadi kupinjam. Maaf ya,” kata Leon sambil menyeringai.
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Source: Pinterest |
Melihat itu,
Fauzi makin marah. “Yang serius dong kalau mau meminta maaf!” kata Fauzi.
Beberapa teman yang
kaget pun langsung berbisik-bisik di belakang setelah mendengar suara Fauzi.
Fauzi jadi
bertambah kesal. Ia memalingkan muka dan buru-buru pulang. Tapi di tengah
jalan, Fauzi teringat sesuatu.
amplopku! Mama bisa marah!”
Tadi pagi Mama
memberinya uang untuk membeli buku di koperasi sekolah. Tapi karena marah,
Fauzi lupa kalau ia menaruh amplop itu di situ. Terpaksa Fauzi berlari kembali
ke sekolah.
“Pak Man, tunggu! Jangan dikunci dulu!” cegah Fauzi
saat hampir sampai di depan kelas.
“Lho, belum
pulang, Den?” tanya Pak Man heran.
“Belum, Pak. Ada
yang ketinggalan di laci,” kata Fauzi ngos-ngosan. Kakinya pegal setelah menaiki
tangga menuju ruang kelas.
Fauzi melongok
ke laci. Aman! Amplop itu masih berada di tempatnya. Sepertinya Pak Man lupa
mengecek laci saat membersihkan kelas tadi.
“Terima kasih
ya, Pak. Untung barang saya masih ada. Saya pulang dulu,” pamit Fauzi.
Tapi, koperasi
sekolah sudah tutup. Mau tak mau Fauzi harus mampir ke rumah Zeze untuk
memfotokopi soal dari buku yang batal dibelinya itu. Kalau tidak, Fauzi tidak
bisa mengerjakan tugas.
“Lho, kenapa
ini? Kamarnya berantakan sekali,” tegur Mama saat memasuki kamar Fauzi.
Beberapa buku
keluar dari tas dan tercecer sampai ke pintu. Sementara di kolong tempat tidur,
sepasang kaus kaki tergeletak dekat sepatu.
“Nanti Fauzi
bersihkan, Ma. Fauzi capek.”
“Capek atau
marah?” goda Mama.
“Huh, Fauzi
nggak marah kok,” elak Fauzi.
“Cemberut begitu
kok dibilang tidak marah.”
Fauzi jadi
dongkol. Ia pun menceritakan hal yang dialaminya tadi di sekolah.
“Hm.. Pak Willy memang
salah karena tidak bertanya dulu pada Leon dan Fauzi dan cuma berasumsi,” kata
Mama. “Leon juga salah ka..”
“Nah, benar kan,
Leon salah!” kata Fauzi berapi-api.
geleng-geleng kepala. “Karena tidak mempersiapkan alat tulis lebih dulu,”
lanjut Mama.
“Tapi Fauzi juga
salah karena tidak bisa mengontrol emosi.”
Mama pun
menyuruh Fauzi berdiri di depan kaca. “Sini, apa yang Fauzi lihat dari bayangan
“Mm.. muka Fauzi
jadi merah.”
“Bibir Fauzi
cemberut. Dahi Fauzi berkerut,” kata Fauzi sekenanya.
“Kalau tidak ada
cermin, Fauzi bisa melihat itu atau tidak?” tanya Mama.
“Tapi apa yang
Fauzi rasakan?”
“Kalau sedang
marah?” tanya Fauzi lagi. “Mm.. badan Fauzi jadi panas. Jantung Fauzi juga
berdebar lebih keras.”
Mama tersenyum.
“Sekarang Fauzi sudah tahu apa yang Fauzi rasakan kalau sedang marah.”
“Lain kali,
kalau tanda-tanda itu muncul, dijaga emosinya ya, Sayang,” kata Mama sambil
mengelus kepala Fauzi. “Semakin Fauzi marah, semakin buruk keadaannya. Seperti
waktu Fauzi meninggalkan amplop buku di laci tadi.”
“Tarik napas
dalam-dalam dan hitung sampai sepuluh. Jangan langsung marah,” nasihat Mama.
“Jangan langsung
marah..,” kata Fauzi lambat-lambat.
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Source: Pinterest |
Rasanya ia
pernah mendengar seseorang berkata begitu di sekolah. Oh, Fauzi ingat! Kemarin
Zeze bilang begitu saat Nedhy menyenggol prakarya Fauzi di kelas. Anka juga
bilang hal yang sama waktu Leon keliru memukul bola kasti dan mengenai pipi Fauzi.
“Fauzi, jangan
Fauzi tak ingin
mendengar teman-temannya berkata begitu lagi setelah ini!
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